I am delighted to introduce you to a great friend and a fabulous writer, Cas Peace. I was fortunate to meet Cas this past June at a Rhemalda Publishing Conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah. Cas and her husband had traveled all the way from North Hampshire, UK, to take part in the conference and I am so glad she did. I was able to chat with her a bit at the conference about her publishing experience and listened to her deliver an incredible presentation on Fantasy World Building (this is available at the end of this post).
Cas Peace is the author of the non-fiction book For the Love of Daisy and the fantasy series Artesans of Albia. The
first novel in the Artesans series, King's Envoy, was published by
Rhemalda Publishing in 2011. Book Two in this series, King's Champion, was published this year and Book Three, King's Artesan,
will be released in July 2013. Aside from writing Cas is a freelance editor and offers a variety of author helps on her website: www.caspeace.com. I hope you enjoy her interview.
Cas, you have created a very complex
world with your Artesans of Albia
series. Can you share how you created your world?
Cas Peace: I can honestly say that my world of
five realms grew and developed as my writing progressed. I didn’t ever intend
to be a writer, let alone the author of a nine-novel fantasy series, so I can’t
pretend that there was much in the way of forward planning when it came to the
type of world I wanted my characters to live in. What I did was to concentrate
on the plot, the action and the emotion of the story and allow the physical
properties of my world to wrap themselves around and conform to what was
needed. New settings, realms or physical attributes were added as they became necessary.
Quite an organic approach to world building, I guess, but it worked for me! And
I knew it was working because each time I needed my world to expand, it did so
with no effort. I would often find that I had already laid the foundations for
what I needed without even knowing it would arise. This was only one of the
spooky things that happened while I was writing the series, and I still don’t
understand how or why!
You also created an amazing magic system
in your world. Are magic systems important and why do you feel magic should
have limitations?
Cas Peace: This was one area where I did know
ahead of time what I wanted. (Maybe the only area!) I have always felt very
close to Nature, and I consider myself a very spiritual person. Not only in a
religious way, but also in the sense of being aware of the forces and workings
of the natural world. I have a fascination for the old religions – Druidism and
shamanism, for example – and I believe we humans are losing something precious
when we cease to be in tune with the natural elements that nurture us. I wanted
to create a system of power that was quite different to what we have come to
recognize as “magic”. I wanted power-users who were not magicians or wizards,
but people who retained a heightened awareness of the earth that created them.
Maybe in this way, I could gently nudge readers into thinking about this
subject for themselves and make them aware that you can hear and feel and interact with the deeper forces of the earth,
if only you open up to them and listen very carefully.
On the subject of limitations, the answer
is that any power or force or “magic” simply must have limitations. It would not be credible if power-users
could do absolutely anything they liked, and for readers, going through the
learning and growing process with a character is something we all can relate
to. We each have our unique strengths and weaknesses, and different readers can
identify with different characters and come to understand how and why they
react as they do by seeing them strive, fail, and succeed. That’s how heroes
are born!
In King's
Envoy there was a line that stuck out to me. I believe it was Bull who
warned Taran not to fall in love with Sullyan because everyone did. I found it
funny because the more I read the more I think I too was falling in love. Can
you share tips on how to create a lovable character?

You live in the UK. Masters like Tolkien
and Lewis used their country’s surroundings as inspiration in their books. Do
you find your worlds mimicking the world around you?
Cas Peace: The one thing I knew from the start
about the setting for my novels was that it would be some kind of medieval
world. One reason for this was so I could use and incorporate my love and knowledge
of horses. The other was that I have long been interested in English medieval
history, so to some extent I would be writing what I knew. It might also be a
little kickback on my part against too much technology. I am well aware that my
view of medieval England is highly romanticized, and that if I were to be
transported back in time to the 13th or 14th centuries, I would
certainly not like it, or last long! But I do often hanker after a simpler
life, and believe that we humans would be better off if we had to work together
more and couldn’t shut ourselves away behind steel and glass office windows. As
I said before, I also love Nature, and I am surrounded by countryside where I
live. I particularly love trees, and could easily have set my books within a
forest. Hmm … good idea; maybe the next ones will be!
You’ve had some interesting marketing
ideas to get the word out on your book. You have even performed a ballad taken
from King’s Envoy live in a shopping
mall. Are there any tips you can share on promoting books?
Cas Peace: Ah – that thorny word: Promotion!
You either love it or hate it, I think. Many writers and authors are quite shy
and reclusive – that’s why we write, we live vicariously! However, anyone who
is serious about becoming published must also embrace the idea of self-promotion.
If you are someone who loves and uses social media, then chances are you’re
already ahead of the game. If you have a popular blog or other social platform
– so much the better. Other than that, the only advice I can give is try to
find your book’s, or your personal, USP (Unique Selling Point.) It doesn’t
actually have to be anything to do with your book at first. Mine wasn’t. As you
say, I performed a song from King’s Envoy
in a shopping mall. I was a folk singer long before I was a writer, so putting
songs and music into my books came naturally. Then I realized that this could
be my USP – how many authors can you name who have songs associated with their
books, songs they record and sing themselves? There was already a song written
into King’s Envoy, and other songs
are mentioned as the series goes on. So I decided I would write at least one
song per book –and maybe more, who knows? – and record them to use as promo
material. The one from King’s Envoy,
“The Wheel Will Turn”, is available as a free download from Rhemalda’s website
and my own, and the last time I checked had been downloaded over 30,000 times.
That’s HUGE! I am also about to release the song from King’s Champion, “The Ballad of Tallimore”, and this will also be
available free. I’ve also had radio interest in the songs, which gives me a
chance to do interviews and plug my books. So to writers concerned about
promotion I would say – what USP can you find in either yourself or your work
that you can exploit?
Download the Ballad FREE from Rhemalda’s
website: http://www.rhemalda.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/the_wheel_will_turn_cas_peace.mp3
Aside from writing and freelance editing
you are also an animal advocate. Can you share more on that? I love animals
Cas Peace: My affinity with and love of
animals goes back to my earliest memories. We didn’t have pets at home – my
parents considered them a tie – but our neighbors both had dogs. Neither were
particularly nice dogs, one was a yappy Pug with runny eyes, and the other was
a snappy Dachshund which would bite if you leaned too far over the wall. Yet
they didn’t stop me loving dogs, so I think it must be something in my genes.
My main loves are dogs and horses, and I’ve managed to have relationships with
both, although I don’t have a horse any more. I am also a firm advocate of
rescue centers, and very against indiscriminate breeding of pets and horses. I
have had six dogs so far. The first two were rescue Lurchers, Emma and Ria; the
middle two, Daisy and Pepper, were bought as pedigree puppies from reputable
breeders, and my current two, Milly and Milo, are also rescue Lurchers. You can
see them, plus Daisy and Pepper, on my website. I really should add pages for
Emma and Ria as well – they were so gorgeous!
I also champion wildlife as much as I can
and support many animal charities. I’m appalled at the way we are destroying
the wild areas of our world – we are slowly destroying ourselves and are too
stupid to see it. Maybe one day we will realize that we CANNOT exist without
the full range of creatures this wonderful Earth contains. I only hope it won’t
be too late.
Last question: besides your terrific
books, what book would you recommend every author have on their shelf?
Cas Peace: I hope this won’t sound too boring,
but I’m going to say Roget’s Thesaurus. I got my first one as an 18th
birthday present from my maternal great-aunts, and 37 years later it still has
pride of place on my shelf. If I’m actively writing I use it every day, and
often refer to it when I’m editing for clients too. I find it invaluable. I
also much prefer to use my loved and much-thumbed print copy than look stuff up
online. For some reason I trust my faithful book much more than I trust the
Reference books aside, I would say that
whatever genre you write in, make sure you have at least one book by a master
of that genre in your bookcase. Use it for inspiration, and as a source of
learning what works and what doesn’t.
Mikey, I have really enjoyed answering your
interesting questions and I’d like to thank you for asking me to do this
interview. I love the talent you have as an illustrator and I also know what
great writing talent you possess. I want to wish you the best of luck with your
own work.
Thank you Cas! You are such a pleasure to talk with and I love your books! I feel so honored to have had you as a guest on my blog.
Links and Other Information:
Shouting out my Writers’ Services. As well
as being a fantasy and non-fiction author, I’m also a freelance editor. I copy-edit, line-edit, proofread and critique, and I can also help writers who
are in the planning stages. I don’t handle poetry or academic work. Neither do
I have a fixed Price List. Because I like helping writers achieve their dreams,
I prefer to work with what an individual can afford. Please see my website and
feel free to contact me for a personal quote. www.caspeace.com/writers-services
Anyone who would like a signed copy of any
of my books can get them from my website, but I do realize the US readers might
not want to pay mailing costs from the UK. Watch out for the third book in my
Artesans series – King’s Artesan –
due out in July 2013.
Below are the links to my books on
Amazon.com. They are also available from Amazon.co.uk, Barnes & Noble, and
also the Rhemalda Bookshop. And here I’d like to thoroughly recommend the books
of all my fellow Rhemalda authors. They are a fantastic bunch and between them
have published a whole host of wonderful books in many genres. Go check some
out (but get mine first!!) J
For the Love of Daisy:
For More information on Cas Peace and her works visit:
the King's Envoy book trailer:
me on Facebook:
Great interview. I loved Cas's presentation last June. And hubby and I both love her series. I read them aloud to him. =D
ReplyDeleteThank you, Donna! Book three coming in July ...!!!
DeleteCarolyn Quist gave me your web address, so here I am. The entire site is MOST impressive. You're a very talented young man!
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you Ann! You should check out: www.insidemikeysworld.com there is plenty more there to see.