I am thrilled to once again announce the release of Cas Peace's new book, The Challenge, a Circle of Conspiracy book. This is part one of the new Albia Trilogy. If you haven't read the first three books, now is a good time to start. You will find the world building creative and realistic, the story thrilling and page turning, and the characters...well you'll just fall in love with them. Because Cas writes such engaging books, and because she is brilliant, I asked her to write a guest post on how to keep the story going. So many stories fall flat after the first couple books but Cas' don't. So she's an expert!
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Keeping the Story Going
a Guest Post by Cas Peace
This post
is all about epic series, and how you can keep each new book in a series so
fresh that your readers keep clamoring for more.
One of the
key aspects essential to a successful series is, of course, fully-rounded,
complex and believable characters. But you already know that. Never mind a
series, no single book is going to be successful without characters that
readers can connect with, care about, or love to hate. Yes, even your antagonists must have
something interesting about them. The most clichéd baddie can be made
fascinating by introducing an unexpected character twist or quirk. Such as a depraved
serial killer who dotes on cats and regularly volunteers at his local cat
sanctuary. Or a care worker who callously swindles the elderly people she cares
for out of their life savings, but who is also a bone marrow donor. Such
insights into people’s characters, and the reasons for their foibles, are
wonderful tools for piquing readers’ interest.

But the
main tool, in my opinion, for driving a series of novels and for enticing your
readers back time and time again is: Conflict. You can have the most vivid
setting and the most interesting and realistic characters, but if there is no
conflict between them, no challenge to be overcome, no opportunity to bring out
those characters’ higher morals, or deeper instincts, or baser qualities, then
readers will eventually get too familiar with them and will feel cheated.
The other
thing Conflict achieves — in novels as much as in life — is your characters’ personal growth and
development. We all learn and adapt by overcoming problems in our lives, and
you should show your characters doing so too. Apart from anything else, it’s
fun! When I wrote my Artesans series, I found it fascinating to pitch my
characters into the most convoluted and seemingly-insurmountable situations and
watch them struggle to get out. Some failed, of course, as happens frequently
in the “real world”. My novels might be fantasy, but I wanted what happens
within them to feel as real as possible to readers. If not, I could not expect
them to return.
The first
trilogy in my Artesans series, Artesans
of Albia, focuses on two main characters : Taran, an Albian Artesan who is
struggling to realize his potential, and Major Sullyan, a powerful Artesan and
respected military leader. I wanted to show how these two very different people
reacted to and dealt with unexpected conflict. In the second trilogy, Circle of Conspiracy, we still follow
those two characters, and see how their trials have shaped their natures as
they experience a whole new set of challenges and threats to their world. They
will have to face conflict in many guises; personal as well as global. And the
theme of Conflict ramps up even higher in the third (and so far, final)
trilogy, Master of Malice, where my
characters will face their greatest tests so far. I do have to warn you — not all of them will survive!
So keep the
conflict coming in your novels and make sure your characters develop and adapt
as they deal with them. That way, you will keep readers wanting to find out
What Happens Next!
Nine months have passed since Brynne Sullyan helped forge an alliance between the realms of Albia and Andaryon. A fragile peace reigns as both sides recover from the events of the previous year. Then mysterious raiders strike Andaryon villages.
Attempts are made on the life of Albia’s High King. As Sullyan scrambles to find those responsible, unseen enemies threaten to pull apart everything she has worked for, including her marriage.
The alliance begins to crumble, and Sullyan finds herself caught between two monarchs: the king she’s sworn allegiance to, and the man she loves as a father. To betray either one would break her heart, but if conflict is inevitable, she must make a choice…
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The Challenge
Book 1 in the Circle of Conspiracy Trilogy
Nine months have passed since Brynne Sullyan helped forge an alliance between the realms of Albia and Andaryon. A fragile peace reigns as both sides recover from the events of the previous year. Then mysterious raiders strike Andaryon villages.
Attempts are made on the life of Albia’s High King. As Sullyan scrambles to find those responsible, unseen enemies threaten to pull apart everything she has worked for, including her marriage.
The alliance begins to crumble, and Sullyan finds herself caught between two monarchs: the king she’s sworn allegiance to, and the man she loves as a father. To betray either one would break her heart, but if conflict is inevitable, she must make a choice…
Cas Peace was born and brought up in the
lovely county of Hampshire, in the UK, where she still lives. On leaving
school, she trained for two years before qualifying as a teacher of equitation.
During this time she also learned to carriage-drive. She spent thirteen years
in the British Civil Service before moving to Rome, where she and her husband,
Dave, lived for three years. They return whenever they can.
As well as her love of
horses, Cas is mad about dogs, especially Lurchers. She enjoys dog agility training
and currently owns two rescue Lurchers, Milly and Milo. Cas loves country
walks, working in stained glass, and folk singing. She is currently working on
writing and recording songs for each of her fantasy books. The song associated
with King’s Envoy is “The Wheel Will Turn”; for King’s Champion it is “The
Ballad of Tallimore”; and for King’s Artesan it is “Morgan’s Song (All That We
Are).” For The Challenge it is “Meadowsweet”. All Cas’s book songs can be found
at and downloaded from her website, see below.
Cas has also written a
nonfiction book, “For the Love of Daisy,” which tells the life story of her
mischievous and beautiful Dalmatian. Details and other information can be found
on her website:
Mikey, my dear friend, thank you so much for sharing this on your blog! I hope your readers enjoy the post about Keeping The Story Going.
Anytime, my friend. :) It really is a terrific post!