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Ready for a look at the book?
"Pure evil rises once again in Albia…
years have passed since Baron Reen’s trial. A terrible accident on the
island of his exile has transformed him into a nightmarish scarecrow
creature with dark, mysterious powers. Staging his own suicide, Reen
breaks free of his prison and, with the help of the former queen Sofira,
embarks on a ruthless quest for vengeance against his worst enemy, the
woman responsible for the overthrow of his schemes and his own
ruination: Brynne Sullyan.
And now for the big reveal!!!

Cas lives in the lovely county of Hampshire,
southern UK, where she was born. On leaving school she trained for two
years before qualifying as horse-riding instructor. During this time she
also learned to carriage-drive. She spent thirteen years in the British
Civil Service before moving to Rome, Italy, where she and her husband,
Dave, lived for three years. They enjoy returning whenever they can. Cas
supports many animal charities and owns two rescue dogs. She has a
large collection of cacti and loves gardening. She is also a folk
singer/songwriter and is currently writing and recording nine folk-style
songs to accompany each of her fantasy books. You can listen to and
download all the songs from her website: www.caspeace.com
See the video of her performing live at the King’s Envoy book launch here:
Find out more at her website: www.caspeace.com
And now for a wonderful endorsement.
I really love how this cover turned out. I feel it is one of my best covers. I thought I'd share with you a few of the steps in creating this. First I started with a really rough sketch, just trying to get the feel for the shape of the painting. Then I created a finer sketch that I then presented to Cas for approval. This is what she got:
After Cas approved the sketch I moved on with the painting process. We chatted back and forth about the colors I should use. I wanted have Sofira's robe be red but we almost ended up having it be green. One other thing you might notice, in the original drawing I had the torches flaming. Cas thought, which I agreed with, that red embers would create a better lighting effect. You'll also notice I hadn't quiet decided how I was going to pull off the Scarecrow's face at this point. Also Sofira's necklace was too light. So we changed that up to be a little more on the heavy side. I like pointing out the changes because no artist is going to be able to get it right the first time. I try to get all my changes made in the sketch where it's easier to make changes. Next I started painting. While I don't have individual layers to show the next picture shows the colors being laid out under the sketch.
You can see some of the slight changes that I made during the paining process. Sometimes things look a little different once you start adding color, shadows, and highlights. We didn't make any changes once the paining was done except we did play around with the Scarecrow's eyes a bit, trying to make them more sinister. In the end this is what we came up with:

See the video of her performing live at the King’s Envoy book launch here:
Social Media links:
Facebook: (Cas Peace): https://www.facebook.com/cas. peace (Artesans of Albia): https://www.facebook.com/ artesansofalbia/?ref=hl
Website: http://www.caspeace.com/And now for a wonderful endorsement.
“Cas Peace's Artesans of Albia trilogy immediately sweeps you away: the drama starts with King's Envoy, continues unabated in King's Champion, and climaxes in King's Artesan,
yet each volume is complete, satisfying. The Artesan series propels
you into a world so deftly written that you see, feel, touch, and even
smell each twist and turn. These nesting novels are evocative,
hauntingly real. Smart. Powerful. Compelling. The trilogy teems
with finely drawn characters, heroes and villains and societies worth
knowing; with stories so organic and yet iconic you know you've found
another home—in Albia. Start reading now. I, for one, can't wait to find
out what will happen next.”
Janet Morris: The Sacred Band of Stepsons; the Dream Dancer series; I, the Sun; Outpassage.
Check out all the great blogs that are a part of this event by following along on the Facebook page.

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Mikey, I love that you used this fabulous cover to share your artistic process. It brings it alive even more to hear what happened behind the scenes. I too think this is your best ever cover, and I'm so privileged to have such atmospheric artwork on the front of one of my books! Thank you so much, my friend! xx