Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Going to Salt Lake Comic Con

In just 8 days I will be at Salt Lake Comic Con along with two amazing authors, Ali Cross and Christine Fonseca. We have a wide range of books for all ages. I'll also have my prints there as well as some brand new ones--you've got to see them. So come by our tables and say hi, get a hug, maybe a picture with us, and enjoy the show. See you there!


  1. Hi Sarah!
    Sorry it took me so long to get back with you. The con took up so much of my time. Of course I remember you. Ali Cross and I were just talking about you. We'd love to chat. Please shoot me an email: insidemikeysworld@gmail.com

  2. Hello - I'm a librarian from a jr. high in Orem. I bought books at your booth during comiccon but didn't recieve an emailed receipt. Is there any way to get it resent? What information would you need? I bought the three Dreamkeeper books, Outbreak and Collide by Fonseca.

    1. Hi Emily! I have a receipt for you. Can you please email me at: insidemikeysworld@gmail.com and I will forward that on to you. THANKS!


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